2021 Reading List



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Every year I set myself a goal of 'reading more' but for 2021 I have set myself the target of 10 books. To someone who manages 52 a year, 10 might seem like a measly amount but for me that's a lot. 

I have pretty much chosen all 10 books on my list which will hopefully motivate me more because I'm excited about it. There's a mix of fiction and non-fictions, history focused and non-historical, meaning it wont all get too samey. 

1. Natives: Race and Class in the Ruins of Empire by Akala Okay so this is a bit of a cheat since I started reading it in October but I did finish it in 2021 so I'm counting it towards my goal. The mix of historical narrative intertwined with personal experience is powerful and shows a lived experience. The book explains how race, class and the legacy of the Empire have shaped life in Britain today.

2.Come as You Are by Emily Nagoski  Yes this is a book about sex and I have absolutely powered through it in such a short amount of time. Nagoski debunks the myths behind female sexuality, encourages you to see your body through a different life and just generally improve your sex life and perceptions of sex. I recommend that everyone reads it, whether you have a vagina or not. 

3. Testaments by Margaret Atwood I read The Handmaids Tale a couple of years ago and dystopic fictions is one of my favourite genres. When Testaments first came out I could only find it in hardback and I personally hate reading hard backs - they're too big and clunky. I can't wait to delve into this one. 

4. Sapiens by Yuval Noah Harari. I've watched his Ted talks and listened the the condensed audiobook on Blinkist app so now I feel it's only right to read the full thing. For those who don't know, Sapiens is essentially a brief history of humankind from the evolution of the human species to the twenty-first century.

5. Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens. When it comes to fiction, I rarely step out of my dystopic fiction bubble but sometimes I do. I have seen pretty much everyone rave about this book. I haven't read too much of what it's about and I actually want to keep it that way so I don't have too many expectations. 

6. Britain in Iraq: Contriving King and Country by Peter Sluglett. Whilst at university I learnt more and more about Britain and the Middle East. I am particularly fascinated by the historical connection between Britain and Iraq and how the historic relationship shaped recent events. I am hoping that this book will be a good place to start to learn more.

 7.  Brit(ish): On Race, Identity and Belonging by Afua Hirsch I like to read a mixture of physical books and kindle books just to change things up a bit so I don't get bored. I recently purchased Brit(ish) and I am super excited to read it. This book also blends history. memoir and lived experience to look at Britain's identity crisis, including Britain's rose tinted view of its history and what it defines are 'British'.

 8. Girl Woman Other by Bernadine Evaristo. Admittedly this is another cheat as I did start reading this last year but I am determined to finish it in 2021. The book consists of the stories of 12 characters, mostly women, black and British. They discuss their families, friendships and relationships throughout their lives. It's a really captivating book and hard to put down.

Yes, admittedly there are only 8 books there whereas my goal is 10 however, I will leave myself some space to decide the last 2 books along the way. I would love to hear your recommendations!

 What books are on your reading list for 2021? Let me know in the comments section!


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